Benny shares today his newest single ‘Young Hearts’, produced by Kenny Beats, together with a music video, shot by Bear Damen & Floor Bijkersma.
Benny says: “Young Hearts is one of my favorite songs on the album. Kenny started producing and added Remi Wolf in the chorus. This song is one of the rare occasions where I’m singing in third person, which I really love. It’s about two young people getting addicted to crack – not autobiographical.”
The album “Young Hearts”, to be released in March, is Benny’s eighth record, but for the first time in his career, the Dutch singer-songwriter has worked with a single producer in the studio for the whole record – beatmaker-to-the-stars Kenny Beats.
Their collaboration began simply with a DM from the producer, which led to a call between the two. Benny instantly felt at ease. “Kenny is so honest that he’s not scared to brag,” he says. Benny explained that he wanted to make a record that sounded bigger than anything he’d done before. “I can give you that extra slap,” Kenny responded without hesitation.
Kenny is the force of nature behind a diverse array of releases from Vince Staples and Freddie Gibbs to Remi Wolf and Denzel Curry, and recently earned a Grammy nod for his work with IDLES. It makes sense that the prolific and genre-agnostic producer would find a kindred spirit in Benny, who mines a range of styles from West Coast AOR to ‘70s R&B and hip-hop for his signature sound. They recorded the album in Los Angeles and London. With “Young Hearts”, they’ve made an album that captures the spontaneity of a good idea.