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Hi Shawn, where are you at the moment?

Home in London. I have been isolated for 16 days so far since the cancellation of the Dutch Young Gun Silver Fox tour.

How does the Corona crisis affect you?

I now have no live gigs until October 31. I have like most musicians, lost my ability to earn a living for the moment. Obviously, by no means am I unique in this sense but I’m the only one responsible for supporting my family, so these are beyond difficult times.

How do you estimate the effects of the corona epidemic on the music industry?

It’s absolutely catastrophic for the music business. No idea about how and when it will bounce back? I fear this will kill off a lot of musicians from earning a full time living in the future. It’s always been hard enough before Covid19 reared its ugly head. We’ll see, maybe we’ll find a new kind of prospective out of this. Let’s hope.

What do you do with the time you involuntarily gained?

I am now looking at this as some sort of weird family stay-cation! Just lounging about hanging out with my girls and chilling with my dog. We make food and stare at our phones!!! Ha, ha, ha…

What projects are you currently working on?

I need one day in my studio to finish the next Saint Etienne album. Otherwise, I am waiting to start recording lots of new music for a multitude projects. I do have an album I made with Misha Panfilov which is dropping in the near future on Funk Night plus another album of mine that will launch on an unsuspecting world soon. There are also some special 7”’s releases too coming up. All and all expect an avalanche!!!

What does music mean to you in times of crisis?

Music is everything.

Which albums are you currently listening to and can you recommend?

New albums I could suggest off the top of my head: Monophonics, Izo Fitzroy, Holy Hive, Silly Boy Ghost Relatives. Also ‘Canyons’ by Young Gun Silver Fox is pretty sweet! Ha, ha, ha…

Are you currently planning special online offers for your fans, e.g. online shows?

No online shows planned at the moment. We are locked down and unable to travel and assemble. There will be a new Young Gun Silver Fox music video in the near future by George Moore who did the ‘Kids’ video.

How do you think it will go on for you?

No idea at this point but I’m hoping that gigs will start again in August? We’ll see…

Do you have a message for your fans?

Love you! Thank you for all your support. Stay safe and healthy and see you in the future.

Shawn, I have also a few questions about your musical roots. What is your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory… probably my mother singing me nursery rhymes to be honest.

Which artists and bands have influenced you?

My influences are so numerous. I’d say that the music from the 1970’s has had an overwhelming important influence on me. Of course the Beatles & Hendrix from the 60’s too. If I start naming names we’ll be here forever!

What was your first instrument?

Guitar was my first instrument followed by drums.

When did you decide to become a professional musician?

From the age 10 I knew I wanted to be a professional musician making records and playing gigs.

What did your parents say when you told them that you wanted to become a musician?

My Mom was always hoping I’d do something else but the jokes on her!

Which profession would you have chosen if you hadn’t become a musician?

Being a musician is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do.

Do you remember your first gig? Where was it and how did you feel?

I think my first gig was Paul Revere & The Raiders in 1973 at Knotts Berry Farm. Mark Lindsey the lead singer was late and the band started without him!

Shawn, thank you very much for the short interview! We wish you and your family all the best for the future and especially health.

Photo: Légère Recordings

This interview was published for the first time on March 24, 2020